Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Goals Reached

Now, Mikhail and I may seem like the ideal and perfect couple, BUT… Haha jk, there is no "but", we are the ideal perfect couple. We fight, we cry, we yell, we laugh and we love. In the past 3 years, we have gone through so much more than a lot of couples our age have gone through. We may be young, but a lot of people in this generation cannot get what Mikhail and I have. I feel like our society is so corrupted, that it just gets harder and harder to find "the one". I'm glad I fell in love with a person on whom I can call my best friend. 

Mikhail Montinola is my first love and what we have is something I can't ever imagine to have with anyone else. 

Open When… (You can't sleep)

Hey baby,
            So you can’t sleep, huh? That’s strange. I’m pretty sure you smoked and that hit made you tired, but if you still can’t sleep then you must be reading this. I’m so sorry you can’t sleep baby. You should call or text me, but I probably didn’t answer since you ended up opening this anyways.
            Remember those nights when we would talk on the phone until sunrise? Sleep was not in our dictionary because we knew we both wanted to keep talking. We had no transportation back then, so we talked on the phone for hours at a time. Remember that one time we talked on the phone until 4am and I took the bus at 5am just so we can sleep together? I would have never done that for anyone. The sun wasn’t even up yet, but I wanted to be with you, so I went out my way just to sleep next to you. I knew you would do the same for me so I didn’t contemplate on taking the bus at 5 in the morning.

            Since you can’t sleep, I’m pretty sure you’re either going to smoke, play video games or smoke more lol. Maybe you should watch a documentary or something, I know those things always put me to sleep like nothing. But, please try getting some rest, ok babe? I’ll talk to you when you wake up or when I wake up.
Your Princess

Open When… (You miss me)

Hey baby,
So you opened this letter because you’re missing me. Well guess what?! I miss you too, babe. I can’t wait to see you again, so don’t worry, I’ll be back in your arms soon. I promise. No matter where I am right now, I promise to come back to you. I’ll always come back to you. You are not going to lose me. So cheer up! In the meantime, “distance makes the heart grow fonder”, right? So even though you miss me now, when we see each other again, hopefully very soon, our hugs and kisses will be so much better. You know what else will be so much better… THE LOVE WE MAKE.

I’m only one call, one text and one facetime away. Remember when we didn’t see each other for a whole week because Vegas kept us apart? Remember how emotional I got? LOL. I cried to you because I didn’t see you for so long. Besides the times we left each other, I think that was the longest time we had apart. One day, when we’re ready to be on our own and we get our own place, we’ll never have to be apart ever again. We get to go on vacations together and go on adventures together. So baby, please, please do not be sad. We’re going to get married soon and then these lonesome nights will be over forever.
Your Princess

Open When… (You're mad at me)

Hey baby,
            So you opened this letter because you’re mad at me. I’m so sorry babe. You know how I can get. I don’t know exactly why you’re mad at me, but just know that I’m really sorry. I can be so stupid at times and I won’t even realize it. No matter what the reason is; we’re probably not talking to each other because we’re both stubborn rascals. Don’t worry babe, I know we can go through this. We always fix things. There is nothing in this world that we cannot conquer. So whatever it is that I did, please talk to me about it and not ignore me. I promise we can fix it, as long as you help me fix it.
Your Princess

Open When… (You need reassurance)

Hey Baby,
            Now why would you need to open this? Babe, go fucking call me and ask me if I love you and ask me how much you mean to me. If we happen to be fighting right now and we’re both being stubborn rascals, then keep reading.
            Babe, no matter what just happened. I love you, ok? I don’t know why you need reassurance when you should know that you have me. You have 100% of me. 110% for the extra cute features I have. I want you to know that you mean the world to me. You’re the best I am ever going to get. You’re perfect to me. You’re perfect for me. If anyone said anything, send

them my way and I will set things straight because no one knows us besides us. So screw those poopoo heads.
            I know we’re going to end up fixing things, like always. So don’t worry. Everything will be fine, love.
Your Princess

Open When… (On our wedding day)

Hey baby,
            Well, today is the day. We’ve been waiting for this day since we were only teenagers and it finally has come. This is the past Princess talking, the 20 year old Princess. Isn’t that creepy? Anyways, are you nervous? I’m pretty sure you are because I know I will be. We’ve come through so much together and I’m glad we ended up the way we wanted to.

            Today marks the day of our first life together. Today is the day we make our vows to each other. Isn’t that exciting? We’ve dreamt about this, we’ve planned this and we’ve talked about this, but now it’s actually happening. Make sure you cry when you see me walk down that aisle, ok babe? YOU BETTER. Look at me, as if you saw me for the first time. I can’t wait to stare into those light brown eyes and say “I do”.
Your Princess